Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The slow road was fun....but....(my new health challenge)

Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart.
                                                                               -Gene Tunney
So, I started a new health challenge today. I know that I said that I was going to take "the slow road", but since that proclamation I've just been sitting on that road waiting for something, ANYTHING, to happen. Guess what? Nothing happened. The good news is that while I have just been watching the time pass by I didn't gain weight, but I don't think I've ever been further from losing it either.
I think I needed this time though to accept my body, as it is. To stop loathing the unlovable parts and let them know that they are o.k. which was weird, but probably a necessary part of my healing process. I did my best not to scowl when I looked in the mirror, or groan as my pants got just a little tighter. It wasn't an easy process, but at the end of it all I know that I love myself and that even those "unlovable" parts are loved. Having said that, those unlovable parts have out stayed their welcome and it is time to get down to business.
I was so excited when a friend mentioned the possibility of a health challenge that I jumped in with both feet. We have a little facebook group and collectively we have "donated" $25 a piece to the "winners pot". At the end of the challenge there will be two winners (although all of us will be winners of better health) one who loses the most weight, by percentage, and one who racks up the most points. I am hoping to lose the most weight, but just in case that falls through I am planning on getting the maximum number of points every day.
Here is the break down for points:
* Drink at least 64 oz. of water = 3 points
* No eating after 9:00 pm = 2 points
* Eat 3 servings of vegetables = 3 points (one serving equals ½ cup; leafy greens require 1 cup per serving)
* Eat 2 servings of fruit = 2 points (one serving equals ½ cup)
* No sweets/sugary treats = 5 points (I’m a firm believer that everyone needs a free day now and then, so you will be limited to six days max each week wherein you can claim these points)
* If you do indulge in a treat, but limit yourself to one serving, you can still claim 2 points each day.
* 30 minutes of exercise = 5 points (To encourage a weekly rest day, and to not penalize those who choose not to exercise on Sunday, you can only claim exercise points a maximum of six days per week).
* Each additional 15 minutes of exercise = 1 point (Up to 90 minutes total, for a maximum of 9 exercise points: 5 points for the first 30 minutes and 4 points for 60 additional minutes. Feel free to exercise for longer, but you can only claim 90.)
* Track all food consumed = 4 points (Use whatever means you prefer to track your eating. You don’t have to count calories if you don’t want to; just keep some kind of food journal. Again, points for this will be limited to six days per week so as to not penalize those who choose to take a free day.)
* Bonus points will (hopefully) be offered each week. Watch the facebook page to see what those will be. Please be aware that all of this may be subject to change based on input from the group.
* Absolutely no HGC or other weight loss pills or supplements. This is an all-natural challenge.

I have done similar health challenges before, but I LOVE the simplicity of this one.  I LOVE that you don't subtract points for "bad behavior". You may not earn the maximum number of points if you eat sweets or sugary treats but if you limit it to one serving you still reward yourself. I also love that there are "rest" and "cheat" days. In the past I have been an all or nothing kind of gal, but that just isn't conducive with real life. Even my super skinny, athletic friends will have a treat now and then. Unlike me, they just know what the limit is and what they need to do to make sure it doesn't derail their overall goal.

This new plan feels like it will fit into my original more "mindfulness" goal. For today's exercise I took our puppy on a challenging walk for 60 minutes, did 30 minutes of yoga and also completed my meditation for the day. While on the "slow road" I was only doing yoga for about 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per week. I know that if I continue incorporating yoga into my 90 minutes of exercise everyday I will still come away with the benefits that I am hoping for, but now that I have more accountability I will be more consistent.

So here is to a healthier lifestyle and to the abundant beautiful future me that is just bursting to make her entrance!


  1. Just thought I'd chime in on my new favorite way to incorporate veggies into my breakfast. We call them "Green Eggs" Just take 1 cup of spinach, put it into the blender, then add your raw eggs, blend them together (on low, or they get frothy, but even if they froth, the bubbles will all pop when you cook them) and then cook em. They are yummy, and very nutritious! Loving my Vitamix! :)

  2. LOVE it Sally! Thanks for the idea!
