Friday, August 23, 2013

Farfalle Chicken Alfredo Bake

I am a brilliant, gifted artist of the everyday.
My art is a blessing for me and mine.
                 -Sarah Ban Brethnach
Today's quote came from one of my favorite books of all time. In my journey to "find myself" again, a dear friend gave me the book "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Brethnach. In this particular entry she encourages us to realize that we are all "Artists of the Everyday". We may not be composing symphonies or painting a masterpiece, but "baking a cake could be as much a work of art as choreographing a ballet, if you approach it with as much dedication." She goes on to describe the different ways you may approach preparing a meal. Do you throw the ingredients together in a fit of furry, whisk them together and hope for the best. Or, do you take time to center yourself taking care that things are done in the order and with the care that they deserve. If you do then Sarah says, "Love is present. Love is the spiritual energy that induces elevation-the transcendent moment in creation when craft becomes art." 
Whenever I prepare a meal for my family I try to do as Sarah suggests. I take a moment to center myself and remember that love will be present as we enjoy the food and so love should be present when I prepare the food. I've also found that music can help center my thoughts and elevate my mood. So I listen to music that inspires me, from the culture or region that the dish originates. Tonight, it was Italian. Sometimes I listen to authentic Italian music, other times I listen to what we have come to accept as "Italian" because of our many trips to Olive Garden. I have fallen in love with Pandora. I love that I can enter a genre into the little box and out pops a compilation of music that would take me years to acquire. For this meal I listened to my "Mambo Italiano" station. It was perfect!
Not all of the recipes in my blog will be strictly Ayurvedic, but I am hoping to approach my meal planning by listening first to my body and then composing a meal that fits within what my body is telling me. Tonight that meant comfort food. This week has brought a lot of upheaval at our house. The kids have gone back to school and I am now putting the pieces back together so that our house and our lives will play nicely with what lies ahead of us. I don't do well with change. So switching gears from the lazy days of summer to the stress of the school year with all of its deadlines and drama has kind of thrown me for a loop. 
But I think I'm back. When I am cooking I'm happy and when I'm happy, I cook. So things are looking up. I hope you enjoy this meal idea. It is really easy to prepare and a great "go to" for those days when you just need a little cheesy, creamy comfort. 
Farfalle Chicken Alfredo Bake  


Alfredo Sauce
1 c. butter
4 oz cream cheese
1 tsp. fresh garlic, minced
4 c. heavy cream
4 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 1/3 c. parmesan cheese
Melt butter in medium sauce pan over medium heat. Add garlic and stir until the butter mixture has a nice garlic smell to it (1-2 minutes). Stir in heavy cream, cream cheese, garlic powder and oregano and bring to a simmer. Stirring constantly, continue simmering until it has thickened to desired consistency (10-15 minutes) being careful not to overcook or sauce may break down and loose it's creaminess. Remove from heat and stir in parmesan cheese.
Farfalle Chicken Alfredo Bake
2 chicken breasts shredded (rotisserie chicken is my favorite)
1 lb. farfalle pasta
2-3 c. shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. While preparing Alfredo sauce cook pasta to al dente directions posted on pasta package. The pasta will continue to cook in the oven and also when the hot Alfredo sauce is poured over the top. Drain thoroughly and top with alfredo sauce and chicken. Stir to combine. Stir in 1-2 c. mozzarella cheese. Prepare 16X9 baking dish by spraying sides and bottom with non-stick cooking spray for easier clean up. Transfer pasta mixture to prepared baking dish. Cover with foil and bake for 25 minutes. Remove foil, top with additional cheese and continue cooking for 5 more minutes.  

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