Friday, August 23, 2013


My soul honors your soul.
I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides.
I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you,
because it is also within me.
In sharing these things we are united, we are the same,
we are one.


Why "No Mas Today"? I chose my blog title as a constant reminder that there will be "No More Today". No more waiting to be happy. No more listless days spent crying that things are not the way I want them to be. No more knowing what I need to do to tear the depression from the bones that it clings to and refusing to put in the effort. No more giving someone else the power to decide the level of happiness I deserve. No more playing the victim.

It took several silent moments, where a sliver of sunlight reminded me that the sun did still exist, to come to the realization that I am worth fighting for. I am a great person that has so much to offer the world. In the deepest, darkest days of depression I had forgotten that. I had forgotten what it meant to be happy. I had forgotten that even the daily mundane tasks could bring joy.

So, no mas today. Today I am turning over that incredibly heavy leaf. I am putting myself first so that I can be the best person I can be for myself, my kids and my husband. They say, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". I hope that throughout the last few years I have been able to mask my unhappiness so that my children don't look back at this time with sadness. I choose happiness for me and my family. I don't want them to be unhappy because I wasn't willing to do the things that I needed to do to find happiness. I am worth it and so are they!

Within this blog, I hope to share with you my journey. I will be sharing little anecdotes of my life, love and passions. I will also be sharing ideas to simplify your life so that you too can find happy again. I will be sharing new recipes that I discover and create that mirror an Ayruvedic lifestyle. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian way of life that focuses on food being a source of healing and joy. There are many other elements of Ayurveda, but I have found that if you start with food the rest follows. If you fill your belly with the things that it needs you become more in tune to the other subtle cues that your body is trying to communicate. I believe that many everyday ailments could be alleviated by simply listening to these cues.

Recently I was asked to write as a member of the Bountiful Baskets blogging team, something that I am so honored and humbled to do. I found Bountiful Baskets at a particularly tough time in my life. It was a time where it was difficult to get out of bed let alone prepare healthy delicious meals for my family. I felt weighed down by the everyday tasks of motherhood and having to plan a menu, shop for the food, bring the food home, put it away and then take it back out again, prepare it, clean up the carnage that happens with a family of six and then do it all over again. But when I didn't nourish my family I felt like a failure, which made everything else just that much worse.

When I got my first basket I felt an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer had to think about which vegetables I wanted to incorporate into our meals for the coming week. I simply had to show up with my basket and take home all of the delicious goodness. I started looking at my meal planning in a completely different way. Not only was I bringing home vegetables and fruit that I hadn't thought of trying before, but I was also planning our meals around the vegetables in my basket instead of planning an entree and then throwing a vegetable at it as an afterthought.

Here is a link to their website. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about Bountiful Baskets and would encourage you to check them out!

And here is a link to their blog. Look forward to many tasty meal ideas that will nourish your mind, body and soul. Namaste.

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